Kendrick Mayo

About Me

Hello my name is Kendrick Mayo.  I am a certified personal trainer that has been lifting for 17 years and been training for a couple years.  From the moment I started working out I was hooked.  After seeing my own personal transformation it became and addiction.  From then on the gym has been a priority.  I have helped people transform and change their outlook on life.  The main reason that I decided to get my personal training certificate was because I remember what my personal training session was like.  17 years ago I signed up for a gym membership and was given five free sessions.  After my first session I decided to not use the rest of my sessions because of how I felt after the session.  It was then that the idea came about to start training myself.  The trainer that I had did not make me confident in my lifting and I left just as confused as when I got there.  

I have always been fascinated with how the human body adapts to what you put it under.  Watching what you do in the gym reflect outside of the gym is what kept me hooked.  It was not until the first person I trained saw results that made me want to do this full time.  His reaction to his transformation was priceless and I will never forget it.  I saved up enough money and bought a complete gym and here we are.

Whatever the reason that you want to start training is just remember that.  Want to be able to move around with your children or grandchildren?  Have a job that you want to keep but your body won't allow it because things are too heavy, or it is too stressing on your body?  Or maybe you struggle to do simple things and are tired of it.  Whatever your reason, you will use this on the days that you may not be motivated. I look forward to the opportunity with working with you and helping you achieve your goals!