Kendrick Mayo

Why Choose me?

One thing is certain we as a nation don't want to waste our money. We want to buy a product or service and not have buyers remorse. Have you bought a session in the past and felt like you were just a number?  Like the trainer was going through your session and trying to get through to get to the next one?  At Mayo's Fitness you're not just a number. We will be with you every step of the way.  Should you leave the training session and have a question you can reach out and not have to wait until your next session. We want you to reach your goals and have fun doing it. We will work with you every step of the way coming up with routines and workouts that are results driven. I started this business in hopes to help people and guide them in the way of getting the results they want. You're not a number to me and I will work very hard in helping you achieve your goals and have fun doing it!